Saturday, March 28, 2020

Mackintosh Summer College Offers Various Summer Courses For Students of All Ages

Mackintosh Summer College Offers Various Summer Courses For Students of All AgesSMC's Mackintosh Summer College offers a wide variety of summer courses for students, and the staff is especially dedicated to helping new students with the transition from high school to college. Though the focus is on the academic rigor of the school and courses offered, this is a great opportunity for people who are interested in learning a lot more about college life, beyond the classroom and fieldwork. Be sure to contact the school for information about the various types of courses and how to make the most of your summertime opportunities.Mackintosh Summer College offers two-week courses designed for children to adults who wish to improve their conversational and listening skills while taking advantage of the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. The college's language and grammar summer course focus on language and grammar skills which will prepare students for further courses in the colleg e. If you want to increase your understanding of French and Spanish, or simply want to know what it is like to live in France or Spain, the French and Spanish courses are for you. For someone who's already a self-learner but just needs a little extra time and attention to their language skills, the immersion course is an excellent choice.Mackintosh Summer College offers some unique and extensive research courses to give students additional skills for careers that require scientific knowledge. Students will learn to do research and interview in a variety of disciplines, including biology, geology, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, psychology, and anthropology. These courses are designed for those who already have an interest in studying these fields, but want to have a wider array of opportunities to get educated in them. When you're just getting started in the area of science and technology, this course is a great way to expand your skill set while earning your Bachelor 's degree in the field.Mackintosh Summer College offers a variety of workshops, such as a yoga class, film and television studies, and multimedia design workshops for those who'd like to learna new and exciting craft. Those students who are interested in teaching may also take classes in elementary education, which is one of the core educational programs offered by the school. Courses in art and music, as well as in computer science, are also offered.There are many different types of classes available through Mackintosh Summer College, which ranges from adult oriented workshops, to fieldwork and tutoring opportunities for those students who want to increase their knowledge of a particular subject. Some of the classes are designed to help students better integrate themselves into college life while others are a traditional course in the classroom, such as French and Spanish. With classes available for everyone, you can select from the vast array of subjects offered at the college, wi thout compromising your interests.If you're interested in getting out of the classroom and into the field, be sure to visit the school to see the variety of summer courses offered. Not only do these courses offer great preparation for college, they're also a great way to explore your interest in outdoor activities. Be sure to contact the staff to find out about what you can expect from your course.Mackintosh Summer College offers a large number of different summer courses to help students build new skills and enhance their understanding of the world around them. These courses range from simple courses to more intensive programs which allow students to study areas they're interested in, while having a chance to meet other students. Regardless of whether you are an academic or an outdoor enthusiast, Mackintosh Summer College will be able to help you reach your goals.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language 4 Steps to Reach Beyond the Riddle!

How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language 4 Steps to Reach Beyond the Riddle! Weve all been there, right?Toying with the idea of learning a foreign language?After reading up on how other people have done it, you might be thinking, Hey, maybe this things not impossible! Maybe I  can learn a new language on my own!But then you remember those language classes in high school or university.You think, Man, did I really spend  two years learning Spanish/French/German/Chinese with nothing to show for it?As doubt creeps in, you then wonder, How  long  does learning a new language take, anyway?How long until you own the language?Until you can navigate a foreign country flawlessly in it?Until you can proudly tell friends, family or employers that you  speak the language? All Beginners Want to Know How Long Learning Their Language Will TakePeople dont want to waste time, money and resources tilting at windmills. They want  predictability. After all, karate has its belt system, musical instruments are graded and you can work through certain problems to increase your skil ls in math or programming.There are some standardized structures for languages, too, but since the real test is often how well you can use it, the levels may at first seem less defined and harder to grasp.Learners may worry that theyre not talented enough to learn a language. After all, only a handful of students are good at languages in school, right?Learners feel rushed by their own lofty goals. After all, you want to use the language right now, dont you? You want to watch TV or play games in the languageâ€"and understand everythingâ€"as soon as possible. Or maybe youre hoping to break into a new field where the language is particularly helpful or lucrative.To start with whats out there, the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) has published data about the major world languages. For an English speaker taking intense classes, it would take six months to learn Spanish to a professional level, and nearly two years to learn Korean to the same level. But take this information for what its w orthâ€"we cant all take classes through the FSI, and we dont all have unlimited time (or money) to spend on languages!There are infinite factors at play hereâ€"so whats the answer? How long does it really take to learn a language?Honestly, this question doesnt have much of an answer.I like to think of it  as a Buddhist koan, or a question wrongly asked. A question intended to provoke doubt and thought rather than a simple, concrete answer.There is no algorithm that lets you punch in data to get the length of time itll take to learn your language!A simple Google search will come back with a thousand blog posts that will tell you the same thing:  It depends.What can we do with that? Not a whole lot.So instead of answering this riddle with a particular length of time, this post will give you a better idea of the factors at play and how to manipulate them.Follow these four steps beyond the unanswerable riddle!How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language? 4 Steps to Reach Beyond the Riddle! 1. Define what you mean by learn.And you thought your question was simple, didnt you? Wrong!Youve got to ask yourself a  tough question here. What does a learned language look like to you?The answer will vary widely from learner to learner. Even simple concepts everyone talks about (such as fluency, for example) are difficult to define and measure. Does fluency literally mean the ability to speak fluidly? Does it include a high level of literacy? Do you need to be able to function  as well in your target language as you do in your native language? What does it mean to you to be fluent in a language?Youll have to decide these things for yourself. I recommend checking out the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale  used in the European Union to measure professional language proficiency. It breaks down language levels into specific and well-defined areas, in both passive (reading and listening) and active (writing and speaking) skills.What level will you be h appy with? Are you a dabbler who wants some conversational skills before your big trip to a new country? Or has this particular language always been of interest, and you wont rest until you know it like your native language? Or is it a dead language that youll never need to speak, so a high reading level will suffice for you?For best results, include all four skills in your goal setting: reading, listening, speaking and writing.Furthermore, take into account how you like to practice! If youre an outgoing conversationalist who loves to talk to new people, your conversational and basic listening skills will surge ahead, but perhaps at the expense of reading and writing. If you prefer reading, then thats the skill thats going to get good. If other skills are important to you, just know that it might take longer for lesser-used skills to catch up.And finally, think about the breadth of subjects you want to discuss. If you study for about an hour a day for a year, youll probably be able to engage in conversation and read a newspaper. But itll take much more time to acquire the skills necessary to read classical literature or to participate in a discussion about your work or field of study.2. Decide how much time and effort you can put in.Its pretty much common sense that the more you put into learning something, the faster youll get something out of it. If you immerse  yourself in the language, live in the country and spend a couple hours every day at concentrated study, youll get good at the language and fast.However, some of us have demanding jobs and families or other responsibilities. We cant all pack up, quit our jobs, leave the country and become linguistic hermit-monks.If you can only study half an hour a day, three times a week, it will definitely take you longer to get good at your language, but that doesnt mean its not a worthwhile project! It certainly doesnt mean youll never reach your goals. Keep going for it!For those of us with a little  more flexibi lity (but short of the linguistic hermit-monk  type of  flexibility), think about the goals youve set. How lofty are they? And how can you engineer your life to accomplish those goals?If you want to understand TV and movies, maybe you can give up some English (or other native language) media and replace it with media in your target language.An easy way to do this is by learning with FluentU.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.If you want to speak with confidence, make some time to find an online conversation partner, and make sure you practice speaking consistently.If vocabulary is something you want to improve, wake up fifteen minutes earlier each day and get in some SRS reps before work or school. You can listen to target language music and podcasts during your commute or your walk to class. The possibilities are endless!Theres one caveat: If you do  have the li festyle flexibility of a linguistic hermit-monk, dont think you can trick nature into giving you native-level fluency in ninety days. Sure, youll make quick gains in some areas, but you cant make a Faustian deal with the devil to learn a language in a ridiculously short period of time.Some things in language learning simply take time. Remember: A language quickly learned is a language quickly lost. Short periods of time devoted to learning can mean weaker retention if you happen to slack off for a couple of weeks. On the other hand, if you go at a steadier pace for a longer period of time, a couple weeks off wont hurt you as much.3. Figure out if your desired language is related to one you know.Language families matter! Look up the language youre interested in and figure out if its something close to what you know. Most European languages are distantly related, but some languages like Danish and Swedish are so similar, many consider them to be dialects of each other. A language like Farsi will be easier than Arabic for an English speaker because it happens to belong to the Indo-European language family. Arabic is Afro-Asiatic and doesnt share much at all with English.If you learn a language close to one you already know, the time it takes to learn that language will be reduced in proportion to how close the languages are. You can cheat a little when it comes to vocab and grammar. Simply put, youll get some parts of the language for freeâ€"certain grammar patterns will be similar or identical, and youll recognize some  vocabulary.As an example, Im a native English speaker, and French was the first foreign language I learned to any significant level. I learned mostly through immersion and heavy SRS usage, and it took about a year to get comfortable in the languageâ€"to express myself and understand most of what I heard and read. A few years after that, I learned Spanish, and the difference was practically night and day.With French, it took me awhile to wrap my h ead around some features that are common in Romance languages (a subfamily of the Indo-European family, all of which are descended from Latin), such as certain complicated verb conjugations and heavy use of the subjunctive mood. But with Spanish, I picked these up  much  faster because I already got the general idea from French. I reached a similar  comfortable  level in Spanish at about nine months. It was like starting a language that was already half-learned!If youre curious about your chosen target language, do some research! Try checking it out on Wikipedia and reading a little bit about it academically. If youre interested in an Indo-European language, find it on this easy-to-read family tree.  Note its close relatives and which languages share common ancestry. If it takes several branches to link your target language and your native tongue through a common ancestor, then you know the two languages are a bit further removed than if the languages had only recently split from a common ancestor. Similar family trees are just a Google search away!So, what does this mean for you? Should you deliberately choose closely related languages? Should you choose Dutch if youre an English speaker or Czech if you know Polish?My advice is this: Learn the language that really appeals to you, armed with the knowledge that an unrelated language will have a steeper learning curve. Motivation to learn a language you genuinely like will keep you going when the learning gets tough, so being aware of language families is only meant to keep you informed.Adjust your expectations! Refer back to the FSI chart if youre a native English speaker, and keep those levels in mind so that you dont lose confidence.4. Expect the long haul, and enjoy it if you can!I know this sounds a little pessimistic, but its really meant help you stay positive as you embark on your language learning journey.Youre interested enough to try learning a language, so go for it. Jettison that old myth that langu age learning is a hard slog with rewards only at the end of the line, when youve achieved fluency. The Internet allows you to learn using movies, TV, video games and booksâ€"itll be fun right from the start!  Learning a language is one of the most rewarding hobbies you could take up, and Im talking about the  process  of learning, not  having learned a language.Nevertheless, expect learning a language through self-study to take something on the order of years rather than months, keeping in mind that learning through classes alone would take much longer. I expected learning French to take about two years to get to a level at which I would be happy, and I was pleasantly surprised when that time period turned out to be much, much shorter.Language just isnt something that can be rushed. Linguist  Stephen Krashen  writes about how certain infrequent grammar points simply take time to click, even for children and toddlers!  It just isnt something that you can sit down and drill into your head.Think of it as  acquiring language instead of  learning. Expect it to take time for your language to grow, and enjoy the processâ€"theres no rush.Besides, youll forget all about this tricky koan once youve gotten addicted to target language TV dramas and hip hop!

Education Is The Key

Education Is The Key Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. ~George Washington Carver (1860-1943) George Washington Carver was an American botanist and inventor. Carvers reputation is based on his research into and promotion of alternative crops to cotton, such as peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes, which also aided nutrition for farm families. He wanted poor farmers to grow alternative crops both as a source of their own food and as a source of other products to improve their quality of life. He developed and promoted about 100 products made from peanuts that were useful for the house and farm, including cosmetics, dyes, paints, plastics, gasoline, and nitroglycerin. He received numerous honors for his work, including the Spingarn Medal of the NAACP. He was recognized for his many achievements and talents. In 1941, Time magazine dubbed Carver a Black Leonardo. Need help for your next biology exam? Find a biology tutor on!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fullerton Tutor Tips What College Students Should Focus on This Summer

Fullerton Tutor Tips What College Students Should Focus on This Summer 4 things college students should focus on this summer Most college students have taken final exams and moved out of the dorm to start their summer activities. It can be tempting to forget about education all together until the first day of fall semester but, there are lots of things college students can be doing to increase their chances of success this summer. Whether a student is just finishing up their freshman year or if theyll be heading back to finish up their final year of college this fall, some universal things will help move a students education and future career forward dont wait to book your private Fullerton tutor for the summer. 1. Consider an internship Working as an intern is one of the best ways for students to explore different careers. Its also an opportunity for students to earn college credit and ensure they graduate on time. Most internships don’t include a salary, and so many students shy away from them in favor of a part-time job. However, there are ways that students can be an intern and continue to work at this point in the year. Many internships last as little as three weeks and may not demand that the student work an eight hour day. Students who want to explore career options or make networking connections will still have the opportunity to earn money and learn about the everyday details of a particular career field before they agree to take the job. 2. Earn money for college Another important thing for students to do is focus on working over the summer. Its a lot easier to focus on classes during the year when students dont have to work all the time. The summer months provide an excellent opportunity for students to work a 40 hour week and save up money so they can take time off during midterms and finals week to focus on their studies. Whether a student is working at a job near campus or in their hometown, they should consider whether or not they can work in their field. Many jobs will hire students as assistants or for positions that dont require a four-year degree. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get some preliminary work experience (READ: 4 Habits Students Need to Develop Before They Start College). 3. Take a summer school class Summer school classes have a much more relaxed environment and usually have lower enrollment, allowing students to get more one-on-one time with a professor or teaching assistant. It’s also an excellent opportunity for students to explore courses outside their major and gain elective credit so they can focus on core subjects within their major during the year. Taking a summer school class also helps students graduate on time. Most universities require students to pay an extra fee to take a summer school class so students are encouraged to look into what that will cost before signing up. 4. Make plans for this fall It’s also important for students to make sure they have everything they need to be lined up for the fall semester. Students should arrange for housing, whether its on or off campus and should also start applying for part-time jobs on campus so they can start earning once they return. Students who plan in this regard are more likely to be in a living situation theyre happy with and be able to work as many hours as they want. Students may also need to look for a new roommate or explore potential career networking opportunities or community involvement such as joining a club or organization related to their major (READ: Fullerton Writing Tutoring: Four Sites That Will Make Your a Better Writer). Summer is the perfect time for college students to catch up and get ahead. Book your private Fullerton tutor for the summer. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

One Week Traveling in the UAE

One Week Traveling in the UAE By Dorothee RemboldTeaching abroad in the United Arab Emirates is an adventure, both inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers living in the Middle East will want to take advantage of the opportunity to travel in the UAE. A week-long UAE travel itinerary might look something like this:Day 1 â€" Abu DhabiTo begin your travel in the UAE, find out more about what this country was like before the discovery of oil. The Heritage Village features a recreated Souk (market), a traditional mosque, and workshops that bring the life of an Emirati craftsman to life. Next, discover the luxury brought by black gold and visit the Emirates Palace. Admission to the lobby and exhibitions of this glamorous seven star hotel is free - and don’t miss the gold vending machine! You can finish your day with an evening tour of the breathtaking Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.Day 2 â€" Ancient DubaiThe Bastakiya Quarter was established at the end of the 19th century by merchants and traders. A stroll through th e neighborhood will give you the chance to see wind towers, beautiful courtyard houses, the old city wall, art galleries, and many Emirati restaurants.Day 3 â€" Modern DubaiDubai’s modern architectural structures give the city a futuristic feel. Take a day to explore the tallest and most impressive places in Dubai. Don’t miss out on the Burj Al Arab, Dubai’s seven star hotel also referred to as “The Sail,” and the world’s highest tower, Burj Khalifa, which has a viewing platform on the 124th floor. This is also your time to explore Dubai’s enormous malls: the Mall of the Emirates features Ski Dubai, an indoor ski slope.Day 4 â€" Natural WondersSpending all day in the city can be exhausting, and traveling in the UAE means discovering its vast landscape as well. You can do so by taking a desert safari. The 4x4 sand driving may shake you up a bit, but the view, the opportunity to ride a camel, and the sand dunes will be worth the trip.Day 5 â€" Treat YourselfIf you havenâ €™t had enough time to truly discover Dubai’s shopping locations, use this day to catch up on your shopping. Make sure to include a visit to the Gold Souk and the Souk Madinat Jumeirah. You will find the Jumeirah Beach right around the corner, so as the temperature begins to cool, enjoy the sand and the view of Dubai’s beautiful skyline.Days 6  and 7 â€" BeachesFujairah, only a two hour drive from Dubai, is a great way to round up your Emirati adventure with some time at the beach. Several resorts line the shore in Fujairah, and adventurous travelers can enjoy a trip to Khor Kalba, a tucked-away beach rich in natural beauty where vacationers can explore mangroves and observe turtles.Traveling through the United Arab Emirates offers tourists a glimpse of this country of sand, oil and gorgeous beaches. What will you explore on your Emirati adventure?Dorothee Rembold is an intern at Teach Away Inc.

Achieving An Effective Organic Chemistry Tutor

Achieving An Effective Organic Chemistry TutorIf you are a student who have taken up organic chemistry as a first-level course, and wish to study some additional aspects of chemistry for further study, then it is vital that you start learning about the organic chemistry tutor algebra II. It is a good idea to go for this kind of lesson at least twice in your college career. You will be benefited by receiving better chemistry education. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to get an appropriate salary when you graduate from a medical school or university.There are many ways by which you can obtain the organic chemistry tutor algebra II. You can choose to take the next step into organic chemistry. The whole process is quite simple.The organic chemistry tutor algebra teaches students how to develop chemical reactions by the use of the alphabet. In doing so, they learn how to analyze, correct, and incorporate all the results that are obtained with the help of algebraic equation s. This is the most essential aspect of organic chemistry.This course does have great importance. In fact, when compared to the majority of other chemistry courses, it has more significance. To start with, it is easy to master this course.Since there are numerous ways by which one can gain the organic chemistry tutor, you will find it easier to find the best one for you. First of all, you must understand that it is not easy to obtain the best chemistry tutor. One may be fooled by fake advertising, which suggests that the professor is the sole owner of such an institution. Furthermore, fake professors may have some hidden agenda.Nevertheless, the materials are all genuine. The work that goes into teaching the organic chemistry tutor algebra is really very demanding. The students' courses should be specific and comprehensive.A large percentage of the students who take up chemistry as part of their medical studies opt for mathematics courses as well. Some of them have special reasons f or this. They have no interest in physical sciences. However, this is a false idea, which will surely not suit the student in the long run.

Most Expensive Math Tutoring

Most Expensive Math TutoringLearning math has a lot of lessons that you need to learn. Some are difficult but the hardest is most expensive math tutoring. You can see that some tips are time consuming and some are not. The following article will tell you how to find the most expensive math tutoring in your area.First you should figure out if you are going to tutor for private students or are going to tutor at school. The math tutoring should be something that you enjoy doing. If you find a school or college that you are interested in helping, ask about getting math tutoring to work with them.When you go to tutor a child, make sure that you understand their math and it is something that they will like doing. When you start tutoring a child, you should ask questions so that you can understand what they need help with. Sometimes a student will need a few reminders so that they can understand the process. Another reason to tutor a child is so that you will get familiar with what type of work they do well or not so well.Math classes are big. It takes time to learn a subject that big. This is why most of the kids choose to use tutor services to help them with their math lessons.There are many types of math tutoring. One is traditional and another is online tutoring. Here are some tips to find the most expensive math tutoring in your area.The most expensive math tutoring that you can find online is usually web-based tutoring. If you look on Google, this is one of the best places to find tutoring and math lessons. You can also find companies that offer tutoring at online services.These companies will offer the best math tutoring in your area. If you are serious about learning math and want to be a math tutor, then you should find the most expensive math tutoring in your area.

4 New Years Resolutions for Students

4 New Year’s Resolutions for Students The closing of a calendar year signals a new opportunity for you to make the most of the upcoming months of school. Setting goalssuch as New Years resolutionsis one way to do so. In the new year, you might consider setting goals like, I will boost my GPA to a B+, or, I will proactively complete projects more often. Below, youll learn about four New Years resolutions for students to set this coming semester. New Years resolution #1: Make an impact in your community Whether your high school carries a community service requirement or not, it can feel great to give back to your local community. Opportunities to volunteer in 2019 may include: Working with a local nonprofit organization Mentoring younger students at an elementary school Picking up trash off your towns streets. If youre not sure how to get started, ask your guidance counselor where you can find opportunities to give back. Not only does it feel good to make an impact, but its also something positive you can put on your college applications. New Years resolution #2: Reexamine your priorities While its important to involve yourself in extracurricular activities that enhance your college application, its also key to analyze your commitments to ensure youre involved in the best opportunities for you. In the new year, set aside time to identify what commitments best suit your long-term goals and personal interests. If an activity, for example, causes excess stress or is negatively affecting your grades, it may be time to reevaluate your involvement. On the other hand, if theres an organization youve wished to join, make it a priority to learn more about it in 2019. [RELATED: How to Maximize Your High School Extracurriculars] New Years resolution #3: Gain confidence in your academics High school is a time when you begin to figure out who you are and what your long-term goals may be. Take stock of where your academic interests lie, and look for ways in the new year to engage in activities and classes that support these interests. A great way to gain confidence in your academic areas of interest is to find opportunities to further these skills. Additionally, surround yourself with friends who support your goals and encourage you to succeed. [RELATED: How High School and College Students Can Setand AchieveAcademic Goals] New Years resolution #4: Make time for personal interests Much of your high school years are spent in class preparing for college. During this time, however, its also important to pursue classes, extracurriculars, and outside activities that make you excited about your educational experience. In 2019, set aside time for yourself every day to do something that you enjoy. That could be an elective class, a club, a sport, or even taking time at home to read or explore a hobby. Having this time to expand your interests can help you stay more focused in school and motivated to succeed in the new year. [RELATED: The Importance of Self Reflection: How to End the Year on a Positive Note] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Rules of Inequalities - Maths Online Tutoring

Rules of Inequalities - Maths Online Tutoring Inequality is the equation which has less than or greater than symbols in it i.e. and respectively. Equality is when we can equate both sides of the equation and is represented by =. The greater that sign in an inequality signifies that the left hand side of the equation is greater that the right hand side. The lesser that sign in an inequality signifies that the left hand side of the equation is lesser that the right hand side. Linear inequalities is the inequalities where the degree of the variables is one. Example 1: Find the solution of the linear inequality 4 x + 2 14? Solution: Given is the equation with one unknown variables x. Here, 4 x + 2 14 is a linear inequality with greater than sign. Subtract 2 on both sided of the equation. 4 x +2 -2 14 - 2; 4 x 12; Now divide by 4 on both sides of the equation. 4 x/4 12 / 4; x 3. Hence the solution to the linear inequality is x 3. Example 2: Find the solution of the linear inequality 8 z - 6 34? Solution: Here 8 z - 6 34 is a linear inequality with less than sign. Add 6 on both sided of the equation. 8 z - 6 + 6 34 + 6; 8 z 40; Now divide by 8 on both sides of the equation. 8 z/8 40/8; z 5. Hence the solution to the linear inequality is z 5.